Thursday 8 May 2014

Things are Looking Up in Room 2

Before the Easter holidays we planted daisies from India in a window box. We also planted some outside in the Secret Garden. It is time to check up in how they are growing.

Look in the window box. You can see the daisies are shooting up a little bit. This is fantastic!

We had a good look. Some of us had a chance to water the shoots.


Have a look at the growth in the Secret Garden. They are not growing as well. We think it's because it is still quite cold in the evenings.

This is the herb wheel in the garden. Room 2 and the other Junior Infant classes planted these herbs. We did a great job. They are growing well and they look fantastic!

Here are the herbs we planted in the garden.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Our Gheya is great in room 12!

Take a look at how our Gheya is growing inside our  classroom. We remember to water our seeds and to leave them in a bright area. We decided to leave them in the classroom to grow, because in India we know that Gheya grows well in warm weather. Even though it is Summer, it can still get cold in our school garden, especially at night!

Things are starting to grow in room 3!

When we came back after Easter we were delighted to see our hellichrysum  in our window box had started to grow a little bit!! Take a look and see.....

Take a look at how are  hellichrysum are doing in the school garden! 

We planted our polycress this week. We sprinkled the seeds in the soil and made sure to press the seeds down really gently!! We are going to take great care of this too just as we have done with our hellichrysum!

Gardening is so much fun!!

Progress Report from 4th Class

Last week, we went to our school garden and we watered our lettuce. We saw other  plants such as peas,  lemon balm , black peppermint, onions , potatoes, raspberries and many more.
This morning, our class went down to the school garden to see how our lettuce are doing . We pulled out all the weeds so our lettuce could have more space to grow healthy and fully. John Kelly, our caretaker made a bird-proof net to protect the lettuce from the birds and slugs.

We got native seeds from India and we planted  them in a pot. Two or three are growing but the rest are not growing that well.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Peas Popping Up!

Room 14 visited our school garden today to water our peas and to see how they getting on. The garden is looking great. We spotted potatoes, lettuce, onions, leeks, beetroot, carrots and lots of lovely herbs all growing in the beds.    

Our peas have started to push up out of the soil. We needed to pull out some weeds from the bed.

Then we collected some water from the water butt. The water butt collects rainwater which we use to water our garden. Isn't that clever?

Inside the classroom our mustard is growing well.

Our gourd has also started to grow. It looks a bit yellow and does not look as healthy as the other plants.The gourds seeds were sent to us by Presentation Convent School, Delhi. We think they might grow better in India because it is warmer and there is more sunlight. Some plants need lots of sunlight to grow.

How are things growing in Room 1?

After the holidays we checked the window box - little Larkspurs are beginning to grow.

We take care of the little seedlings.

The Larkspur in the garden isn't growing very well.